
Thank you for your prayers and concern.

The first operation (on the right eye) went well and I am now wearing an eye patch over it to keep me from rubbing it.

The next operation is scheduled for Thursday, April 5.

For the next few weeks I will be operating on six cylinders (the left eye only) so be patient with me until I am running on twelve cylinders with both eyes.


+Rene Henry Gracida  



About abyssum

I am a retired Roman Catholic Bishop, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas
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6 Responses to STATUS REPORT

  1. Father McMahon says:

    Thanks be to God, Your Excellency, that our prayers were answered and that your surgery was successful. Hopefully, your recovery will be quick and you will be ready for the second surgery after Easter.

    Whenever you are able, I would appreciate having an opportunity to ask your advice. I am usually available any day between 10am-1pm and 2:30pm-8pm (mountain time zone not central – we are an hour behind your time). Please let me know what time is convenient for you and I will be sure to speak with you.

    May God bless you.

    Michael McMahon

  2. vasheepdog94 says:

    SO GLAD it went well. I agree with the other comments. DON’T TAKE OFF THAT PATCH!!!!
    I love that picture! Will be praying for you, beloved Bishop!!!!

  3. Mary Anne says:

    Glad that you did well. God Bless you … you are missed! With Prayers for you.

  4. texasooz57 says:

    So glad to read that everything went well with your first surgery, Bishop Gracida. Prayers are continuing for you. For successful second surgery and healing. I have to admit that we miss your posts. We look forward to your blog every morning. God bless you.

  5. imprimipotest says:

    You are in our prayers, Excellency.

  6. 3names1God says:

    Great picture… We are praying for you and thank you for the up date.

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