As the date, May 23, 2009, approached I was under increasing pressure from friends to permit them to organize a big celebration in observance of the 50th Anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.   Believe it or not, I am a shy person.  Actually, I am an introvert.  My Myers-Briggs personality profile is INFJ.  It is only by the grace of God, given to me by the Holy Spirit, that I am able to summon the courage to speak before large gatherings.  I nearly died of stage fright when, at Cardinal Deardon’s invitation, I gave the homily at the Mass for Youth in 1976 before 10,000 people just a few years after my Episcopal ordination.

So, in 2009 I resisted all efforts to make my Jubilee an occasion of some big public show such as a banquet or even a Mass.  Yet, I did want to give thanks to God in a celebration of a public Mass.  So, on Saturday, May 23, 2009, I called the Rector of Corpus Christi Cathedral and asked him if he would permit me to celebrate the regular 9:30 parish Mass the next morning.  He readily agreed and so I did appear unannounced and celebrated that Mass as my Jubilee Mass.  The YouTube video shows the homily of the Mass.  I have written this so that you will understand the bewilderment of the congregation when I announced in my homily that it was my Jubilee Mass.