Bishop J. Strickland

A prayer for our nation and those who are called to serve her… Eternal Father, we come before you in humble prayer for the public servants of our nation, and in particular, for the members of our intelligence and law enforcement services throughout the country and the world.  Lord, we pray that these public servants who have been commissioned to perform their duties with great integrity, and in a fair and impartial manner, will uphold the law, will protect the lives and rights of our citizens, and will honor God as they honor the oath of office to which they swore.  May these public servants protect the safety and security of our nation and its citizens while always respecting the God-given sanctity and dignity of life of all those they serve.  May those who commit injustice or who cooperate with evil, those who are involved in corruption, those who participate in operations that harm innocents, or those who in any way abuse the trust of their position, be stopped, exposed, and brought to justice, and may they ultimately be brought to repentance and conversion for the salvation of their souls.  For all these public servants, Lord, and for protection against any evil which may come as a result of their actions, we pray, and we ask all this through Christ Our Lord.  Amen.

About abyssum

I am a retired Roman Catholic Bishop, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas
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