The link below is a Youtube video that shows a faithful and renowned priest from the Archdiocese of Mexico City (the archdiocese of our Lady of Guadalupe), Fr. Hugo Valdemar, holding a prayer gathering for reparation against the various profanations where the idol of pachamama was worshiped. In the video, Fr. Hugo explains what the pachamama statues actually mean, then he burns them as an act of repugnance, and does this right outside his parish and in broad daylight!  Fr. Hugo explains the following: “The most blessed Virgin [Mary] of Guadalupe, as we know, is a young woman who is pregnant. She has Jesus in her womb whom is to give birth to the new continent (the new world). She says that she comes to grant her love to all the inhabitants of this entire continent (not just Mexico). She is pregnant and carries Jesus who will bring us the Gospel and drive away the darkness of idolatry and the devil.” Then, Fr. Hugo, taking the statue of pachamama say: “A friend exorcist says that this idol (pachamama) is actually the figure of the antichrist; is a blasphemy and parody of Mary. Pachamama is pregnant but carries the antichrist to give birth to him in the masonic church: to destroy the sacraments which is to return to idolatry and superstition. So, this antichrist who is to give birth to a church with an amazonian face is an abomination, it is a contradiction to church doctrine, which is the dynamic into which these idolaters want to enter into now. So, in sign of repugnance to the offenses that they made to the most blessed virgin Mary in Rome, in her church of Transpontina, we, as a protest and as a sign of reparation, burn this satanic idol of the pachamama”.CLICK HERE TO WATCH FR. HUGO VALDEMAR BURN PACHAMAMA! (fast forward to minute 3:12)  

About abyssum

I am a retired Roman Catholic Bishop, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas
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1 Response to BRAVO FATHER HUGO VALDEMAR !!!!!!!!

  1. jorgecerra says:

    Sí, ¡Bravo!, Padre Hugo Valdemar. Así de valientes, de bravos, deberían ser muchos representantes de la Iglesia Católica. No sólo por la denuncia y por la reparación de la idolatría cometida, sino porque Vd. guía a sus feligreses hablando claro. La falta de esa guía, en la inmensa mayoría de las parroquias, ha sido lo más bochornoso de todo durante los casi siete infaustos años de impostura pontificia. Casi todos los curas y prelados de la Iglesia Católica, a quienes se les ha encomendado el cuidado de las almas y la propagación del Evangelio, han estado de perfil, como si no estuviese pasando nada. Incluso muchos han aplaudido la labor de demolición por el clérigo argentino y de sus secuaces y mandantes. El fiel católico ya no tiene casi a donde ir a por consuelo espiritual, porque en casi todos los templos se ha contemporizado con la iniquidad. Y no es de extrañar que muchos fieles de buena voluntad, pero no demasiado criterio, anden desorientados y se alejen de tanta incuria y de tanta colaboración sacrílega. Hay veces que sale uno de Misa indignado por lo que ha tenido que oir allí por influencia bergogliana. Es muy lamentable, es tremendo.
    Gracias, Padre Hugo Valdemar.

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