May 25, 2024Special EditionThe Billionaire Club A date with tyranny By: Theodore WilsonMay 23, 2024 After completing a valiant 43,455-mile voyage around the world, Juan Sebastian Elcano declared that the world was round. Nonetheless, people refused to believe him. Sailing the Victoria into a Spanish port on September 6, 1522, Elcano was the first to complete Magellan’s exploration. Despite this enlightening discovery, people shouted in united ignorance, “That’s impossible, the world is not round, it is square.” Contradicting scholars amplified disdain for anyone who challenged the status quo of prevailing “wisdom.” In no small measure, people believe what they choose to believe with the highest degree of comfort. Facts and truth are not relevant to the person who lives life confined to their own opinion. “Make America Great Again.” This catchy phrase in Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan appeared contemptuous to the far-left square liberals who supported Hillary Clinton and her anti-white movement. Conservatives, on the other hand, connected it to the bloated national debt that weakened national stability and our military, dissatisfaction with Obamacare, and a presiding president who appeared to hold disdain for traditional family values and the American flag. During the presidential campaign of 2016, there was a vague but unmistakable sense that the power players behind the global warming movement were somehow involved in Hilary Clinton’s battle for control of the White House. To a lot of Americans, it spelled disaster. “Make America Great Again” was a composition that mixed libertarian, right-wing populist, and conservative activism. In clear terms, most Americans want a fiscally responsible government, free markets, traditional family values, and enforcement of the Constitution. These were not political issues Trump invented. He recognized them and united conservatives. Voters rallied to support these American values in a single movement. From the moment Donald Trump was inaugurated, every time I opened my computer, a picture or quote appeared in the form of a media-driven algorithm depicting something negative about the newly elected president. I wondered why the privately owned media was not giving him a chance to live up to his campaign promises. This attack never ceased. I was familiar with the term “deep state,” but could not define it. I believed it existed. The term seemed to insinuate something beyond the corruption in government, a connection with big corporations who seemingly desired to create monopolies like those during the Gilded Age or the bad politicians who sold out their constituents for money and power. Meet the Billionaire Club. You know many of them by first name. Bill Gates (Microsoft), George Soros (Financier), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jeff Bezos (Washing Post), Carlos Slim Harlu (New York Times), Michael Bloomberg (American Multinational Multi-Media Corporation) who serves as the guardian of the “woke movement,” and the list goes on. It has been estimated that members of the Billionaire Club own or control 80% of the world’s assets. They have proven to be the arm and the sword of the World Economic Forum that meets in Davos, Switzerland. Equally important, they own and control most of the communication sources in the United States. That includes nearly all magazines, newspapers, television, and the Internet. Special interests always forged their way into the politics of the United States. In the early 19th Century, the War Hawks pushed us into the War of 1812 to open the southern interior and the western territory for settlement. It ultimately resulted in increased production of cotton, sugar, and tobacco, which expanded the institution of slavery. Southern politicians kept Congress deadlocked over the issue of the location of the economic capital of the United States. They considered New Orleans to be the center of economic power because of the flow of goods down the Mississippi River. Northern politicians wanted to build a transcontinental railroad from New York to San Francisco centered around a new national bank in the north rather than state banks.  This political struggle between the industrialists and the plantation owners led to the Civil War. After the Civil War, the number of new inventions soared, and the world leaped into a new period of modernization. The economy mushroomed, and enormous profits ended up in the bank accounts of these captains of industry who hoarded the wealth of the country. These powerful men met in the backrooms of social clubs or in the homes that resembled castles enshrined with the treasures of the earth. They paid large sums of cash for the Congressional votes they needed for the expansions that would satisfy their greed for even greater wealth. Mark Twain labeled this period the Gilded Age. He portrayed these powerful industrialists as “robber barons” because they controlled the economy by creating monopolies, holding companies, and pooling. They hoarded profits that amounted to more money than the accumulation of all the wages they paid their workers in toto. The government aided them by not interfering. For example, William Randolph Hearst used the Hearst Communications to guide our country into a war with Spain. He believed that by defeating Spain, the United States would annex Cuba which would become a state. Now we have the Billionaire Club, a group with a greater power in the United States than anyone imagined.  They own and control most of the wealth of the world. These billionaires use their powerful position as corporate barons to control science, medicine, education, technology, communication, industry, finance, and government. Now they want to rule the world permanently. Billionaire Club members form a deity of demigods, mortals raised to divine rank, rivals of the anthropomorphic past portrayed by Mercury, the god of financial gain. They also are children of a modern god, Technotes, and constitute an expanded Tetrachia, reining in supreme leadership.  They gather at a lectiskmium, a banquet for the gods in Davos, Switzerland, to insert their position and power over the world. “Blessed are the masters of science, invention, and mathematics, for they shall inherit the earth,” a divine principle that allows billionaires to assert authority over the world. Could they also be followers of Hel, the mythic god of pain and death? It was from their laboratories that the COVID-19 virus was released. COVID-19 encompassed the world, disrupted, and took control of lives of almost every human on earth, and killed millions over three years. The government that they controlled locked down the world and forced the masses to be inoculated with their vaccines. Big pharma was legally protected and held harmless regardless of the consequences. Statistics on the total number of deaths and harmful effects are now being revealed. The Billionaire Club censors this information, but the underground media reveals the facts. The wealth of corporate pharma skyrocketed in billions because the government brought the masses to their knees with COVID-19, vaccinated them, and left them subject to the multiple health-damaging side effects we will be faced with in the future. Those people who refused to be vaccinated were morally convicted of a crime against humanity by the media owned by the Billionaire Club. Harvesting a virus that would spread worldwide was transformative. All the partners profited, even China, and it proved that the population could be locked down and held in place for months without the use of weapons. More importantly, every government in the world cooperated down to the local level, and every bureau and agency enforced it. The Billionaire Club possesses awesome power. They have mastered and orchestrated all the components they needed to control the world. It began when they handpicked and prepped Barrack Obama for the White House. Losing the 2016 election was a blindside. Donald Trump was, and remains, their greatest threat that would prevent the Billionaire Club from achieving their primary goal, a one-world government with them serving as the Communist Party Committee permanently making all decisions. Their ownership and control of the media around the world make this possible. They have stifled journalism by convincing the world, that “nobody wants to read the news anymore,” and that made it possible to destroy freelance investigative journalism, especially articles that publish results of scientific studies or anything that disagrees with their propaganda. They employ their master orators and propagandists responsible for destroying enemies and presenting a favorable image of the Billionaire Club’s platform.  The hate campaign against Trump was launched the day he was elected. His popular image had to be destroyed. They made fun of the president-elect, made up lies, and painted a picture of him as a narcissist. You could not turn on a computer or television without being bombarded by a negative impression of him. These Democrats lied viscously about President Trump. They twisted and made fun of his tweets when he communicated with the public, investigated all his political appointees, forced many of them to resign, and continued to perpetuate a horrible image of Trump to the entire world. There are Americans who have swallowed all charges against Trump by the media that deliberately feed the herd negativisms daily through television and Internet censorship and propaganda orchestrated by the Billionaire Club. The “Trump Trials” have become a re-enactment of the Salem Witchcraft Trials in New England from 1692 to 1693, and the herd hates the former president passionately. They would cheer in exaltation like the colonists did every time a witch was hung. The Billionaire Club, controllers of huge corporations, has owned the Democratic Party as far back as 2004. They openly donate hundreds of millions toward their political movement, and probably more dark money flows under the table that would be nearly impossible to identify. Their money has accounted for the bulk of the National Democrat Committee’s budget. With Trump running for re-election in 2020, the Billionaire Club had to keep him out of the White House for a second term. His domestic policy was popular, and foreign policy reaffirmed the United States as a world power. We are the only country standing in the way of the World Economic Forum. Trump was also thwarting the WEF policies. He had to be stopped, and now they need to be rid of him, no holds barred. They chose a limp candidate who could not possibly win the presidential election on his own merit. The Billionaire Club donated huge sums of money on a man with no charisma or signs of being a world leader to paint a picture of him as an individual who was fit to lead the American people in the right direction. Trump, however, had an army of followers. They continued to attack his back by increasing the flood of negative national news that focused on issues the Billionaire Club invented, the COVID-19 epidemic, and by burning cities in the blue states to make the president appear weak. When the polls closed after the presidential election of 2020, hundreds of accusations, witnesses, videos, and statistics surfaced that challenged the voting results in large cities controlled by the Democratic Party. They were shunned by Democrats, doors slammed in their face, and the Billionaire Club led the herd in the counterattack that denied the possibility of impropriety. What followed resembled justice in the southern states when the Ku Klux Klan operated freely.  Hollywood makeup artists and speech writers have shined for the past four years. Since the Billionaire Club couldn’t keep him out of the public totally, most of the time he didn’t look physically and mentally handicapped. However, many of the normal events that feature the president at the White House were avoided. His speeches have been well written and flamboyant, but theatrical productions about the country and party that didn’t exist. The oily makeup they use reflects the light off his face making him appear to be a Disney character.  From day one at the White House, the Billionaire Club has taken advantage of Joe Biden, much in the same way Jeffrey Epstein and his clients exploited women. As soon as he arrived in the Oval Office, he immediately began signing a stack of Executive Orders that mirrored the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He appears to be guilty of most of the same charges Trump faces, and his family’s income has been tied to China. Nine groups have committed 800 million dollars to the Democratic Party for the election this fall, and the DNC has promised to match what they spent on the last presidential election. The Billionaire Club doesn’t just turn cash over to Democrats who don’t represent the elite set. They earmark the money. They also rely heavily on the free news coverage they utilize in their best interest. Members of the Billionaire Club keep their distance from the public, but their narcissistic personality shines, and people who work with these demigods know them up close. They can witness their self-involvement in the same fashion that the homes of the robber barons revealed greed. They ignore or despise values other than their own. They attack people they don’t like. Their wealth and power provide the power to throw huge sums of money to achieve whatever they want and destroy anyone who gets in the way. The Democrat Party today does not emulate the leadership that fought for the middle class from 1932 to 1964. It was a party that believed in traditional family values, the American dream, and the United States Constitution. Presidents like Harry Truman listened to American citizens with sincerity and concern. In Truman’s words, “The buck stops here!” The Democratic National Committee of the past operated through the grassroots that started in local precincts and represented the values of middle-class blue-collar workers that formed a pyramid that chose leaders who represented their interests. This group provided most of the nation’s labor, tax dollars, soldiers and police in uniforms, and educators. It was the Democrat Party that fought their bosses for health benefits, fair wages, and government protection in their best interest. Today, the corporations that closed factories and moved to China or third-world countries have left millions of Americans jobless. This move contributed to the 653,104 homeless people today (HUD, 2023). The Billionaire Club now owns and controls the political party that once represented the middle class, and they now support communist organizations such as Black Lives Matter and the World Economic Forum. Additionally, they financially and politically contribute to the woke movement that opposes traditional family values. The new face of the Democrat Party does not resemble the part of the past that existed when Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and John F. Kennedy were president.  In 2016, the leadership of the Democratic Party did not accurately disclose the money spent in their underhanded tactics to defeat Donald Trump.  Part of that money was likely used to launch the pre-election Russian laptop disinformation campaign against Trump to create a false image of him colluding with American enemies. In other words, they were not campaigning on issues, it was to fight the values that the Republican Party represented that conflicted with the World Economic Forum. Biden ran for the presidency from his basement.  Voters hardly saw him.  He won a contested election and prosecutors who were elected Democrats wielded an iron fist on anyone who stepped forward as witnesses. When the Billionaire Club launched the “Stop Republicans Committee”, the Chicago-based political issue committee during Trump’s re-election of 2020, their literature appeared to be for raising donations to finance political action. Still, their primary message was hateful and vindictive, and they used their power to go after every politician, congressperson, and attorney who stood up for President Trump. The anti-Trump hatred campaign not only has left Americans weary. The tyranny of the Biden Administration under the Democrat Party that re-tooled our justice system during the last four years has outperformed the oppressive English government under King George III that led to the revolution. The Democrats impeached Trump twice without special counsel reports.  Once when he was a private citizen. They then began orchestrating lawsuit after lawsuit, not just against Trump, but all the attorneys he hired to represent him. The barbed wire barricade around our United States Capital symbolizes the tyranny of our federal government today.  The FBI placed dozens of undercover agents on the capitol grounds on January 6, 2021, not to maintain order, but for surveillance.  Since then, FBI stormtroopers acting as swat teams have arrested over 400 demonstrators who were in the capital that day.  This is just another example of the cruelty of the Democrat Party.  There are FBI agents who stepped down and refused to participate in the Bureau’s brutality.  They compromised their jobs and jeopardized the safety of their families, but they stood up against the narcissistic reality of the Billionaire Club that controls Biden, and the Democratic Party. Now we are engaged in a battle between the Progressive Democratic Party under extreme liberals supporting Joe Biden’s Re-election, and Trump’s Mega Movement. The Billionaire Club cannot campaign honestly. They are forced to rely on hate campaigns. Biden cannot paint a picture of a positive picture of himself as a good president.  It would be an outright lie to Americans who believe in traditional family values and the U.S. Constitution.  The Billionaire Club will probably keep him out of the public’s eye.  Joe can’t come forward and speak honestly about the national media owned by the Billionaire Club that ignores conservative values and perpetuates the existence of the Billionaire Club that uses the Democrat Party as a platform for the World Economic Movement. Picture of Washington Post or New York Times newspaper with this article: “Vote for President Biden. He destroyed the American border and allowed almost 10 million illegal immigrants into the country for the taxpayers to support.  His policies significantly contributed to the rise in our crime statistics and increased inflation.  Economists have clarified he has lowered American incomes by hundreds of dollars annually.”  “Vote for me, Joe Biden! I signed a presidential proclamation that allowed men to compete in women’s sports. And it has negated the scope of Title IX.”  Yet, the Billionaire Club portrays Biden as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. A close friend of mine said to me last weekend, “I will never vote for Trump! I hate him. I would vote for Biden any day.”  He spoke as though he knew Trump personally.  I questioned him, and all his responses were repetitive of the evening news on CBS or CNN. Many of the billionaires reside in New York City, have offices there, and meet in private rooms of restaurants or clubs and, of course, in Davos, Switzerland.  For that reason, the Democrat Party uses the Big Apple as a showcase of American courts to the whole world. The field of Democrat Party prosecutors and judges spend taxpayers’ money to coordinate government attacks against all Biden challengers and opponents, to discredit, disbar, financially bankrupt, imprison, and create public hatred. They will prosecute Trump for as long as possible, not on probable charges, feeble never-ending charges of crimes without evidence, and a long list of exaggerated civil lawsuits.  They see themselves as honorable, righteous, and good at their job, but like all narcissists, realistically, they are just the opposite.  They have bastardized the American legal system in their state courts, and the Department of Justice watches.  Clarity of this nasty hateful tyranny that has misguided the American judicial system can be seen by the naked eye of the public. Accusations and evidence have shown the results of the 2020 election merit investigation, and confirmation has verified that Biden and his family should be charged for misconduct and crimes that prosecutors sweep under the rug. Georgia now hosts a New York repeat performance of “A Date With Tyranny.”More drama in the courtroom constitutes a hate crime to destroy Trump and his attorneys. Why? Because Biden can’t come forward to campaign on his record, they keep his opponent sidelined. Also, it provides an opportunity to ring the necks of a host of outstanding lawyers Trump hired in 2020.  George Soros-related organizations committed $100 million to bring disbarment actions in lawsuits against lawyers who represented Trump in his claims of election fraud. The world now watches with rolling eyes while inexhaustible prosecutors entertain liberal supporters with their stunts in the courtroom that drain these defendants mentally, physically, and financially using the strong arm of our legal system in tyranny. The world watches this historical harsh and cruel tyranny through the underground window of truth. The Billionaire Club can destroy journalism, censor the media, control the airways of the Internet, remove Trump’s name from ballots, weaken the Constitution, stuff ballot boxes, weaponize the court system, and fool the herd. A demigod would do that. However, everyone who cherishes freedom and the right to self-determination understands that these current events are leading us to a dark future of communism.  The cruelty of today’s Democratic Party has been symbolized by President Biden’s policy of legalized neutering of young children who have no understanding of the reproductive system by doctors who butcher them on operating tables. The appalling practice of transgenderism has been labeled as morally acceptable by the Billionaire Club members who champion it as a World Economic Forum goal. The logo of the Billionaire Club or the Democratic Party should not be the traditional donkey of the past. Their party today no longer represents the same constituents, especially Americans who believe in traditional family values. They now have a caricature that represents them the best, a mule, the offspring of a donkey and a horse. That animal exists outside the natural animal world. Even though it has greater strength than either of its parents, it cannot reproduce itself. In simple terms, a mule cannot produce a mule, and the Democrat Party no longer produces democracy. The Democrat Party today represents the liberals who promote abortion, neutering transgenderism, homosexuality, and the woke movement that demands that the white race today must accept punishment for the atrocities of white people 200 years ago, people they neither knew nor were related to, but happen to have the same skin color. When I was in elementary school, every room had a globe. It represented the shape of the earth. Today, the paradigm of a new world order has risen. The Billionaire Club has begun to reshape the globe from a sphere to a microcosm. Traditional family values, God, and freedom will be replaced by the ambiance of a classless order of values and philosophy designed by the demigods. Conservatives of the past, both Democrats and Republicans, will be pushed off the edge of their planet. In the words of Bill Gates when interviewed on CBS News, “In 2030, you will not recognize the United States as it is today.” Beyond the penchant of superlatives, millions of hard-working American people who espouse the beliefs that Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy represented, don’t belong in the category of the mules. They are grassroots citizens who love our country and the Constitution written by our forefathers who despised tyranny. They cherish the memory of soldiers who gave their lives for the assurance of freedom. Can these Democrats possibly protect the vulnerability of the traditional Democrat Party of the past that has been bastardized by the Billionaire Club liberals today? Absolutely! The boundaries of their heart may thwart courage, but if they want to preserve the freedom of the past, they must join the Mega Movement. Doing this does not automatically make them Republican, both parties fit the profile of traditional Americans who believe in God, country, and family. However, if traditional Democrats join the Mega Movement and we secure the future of democracy together, it will create an overwhelming burden for Republican politicians.  Why? In the future, politicians in both parties will have to strive to return to a policy of working across the aisle of government to compromise and maintain a working relationship in the best interest of the country. Equally important, they must protect the system of checks and balances in government, established by our forefathers because they wanted to ensure the perpetuation of the two-party system. Courage can be a challenge, but it flows freely with the revelation that our actions represent a gift, not just to the world, but to the children of the future.  We need to pay forward today for those who offered their lives to us in the past on battlefields around the world.  If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.Plato

About abyssum

I am a retired Roman Catholic Bishop, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas
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