Are Bp. Gracida & Bp. Lenga Schismatics Like Doctors of the Church: St. Athanasius & St. Bernard?
 The Passion of  the Christ movie director Mel Gibson visits with Bishop Rene Gracida

Archbishop Jan Lenga was formerly the “Apostlic Administrator” of not only Kazakhstan, but of the country of Turkmenistan.
(Fatima, Russia and Pope John Paul II: How Mary Intervened to Deliver Russia,” Page 202)

Interestingly, the Catholic Monitor which has given some coverage to Archbishop Lenga’s position that Francis is an antipope has begun noticing that the people of Turkmenistan are starting to read the online Monitor.

Might Lenga’s former territory of Turkmenistan be the first country to declare Francis an antipope in an imperfect council as St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s imperfect council in France was the first to declared the supposed pope in Rome Anacletus an antipope?

Is Lenga in schism as some may be stating for claiming Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid thus Francis is an antipope?

It must be remembered in history that St. Bernard claimed the supposed pope in Rome was an antipope as Lenga is doing and was declared correct by an imperfect council which he headed.

Author Msgr. Leon Cristiani wrote:

“King Louis convoked a Council at Etampes, to consider the question of the double pontifical election… Bernard was received at Etampes as God’s envoy.”
(St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Pages 70-71)

Was St. Bernard in schism?

The Arian heretics were saying the same thing about St. Athanasius. That he was in schism.

The saint was resisting the Arian heretic bishops even apparently outside the valid pope’s approval.

It appears that Archbishop Lenga may force the cardinals and bishops to do an investigation and call an imperfect council into the validity of the Francis’s papacy because a bishop cannot suspend a bishop. Only a pope can suspend a bishop.

But, Lenga states Benedict is still pope because of a invalid resignation and therefore Francis isn’t pope according to the archbishop.

Cardinal John Henry Newman it appears showed that a validly appointed bishop can’t suspend another validly appointed bishop.

Newman said Athanasius ordained priests against the authority of the Arian heretical bishops who were validly appointed bishops.

In fact, scholar Joseph Bingham on page 98 in “The Antiquities of the Christian Church” said:

“Athanasius… made no scruples to ordain… [Bishop] Euesebius of Samosata… ordained bishops also in Syria and Cilicia.”

Moreover, Newman in his “The Development of Christian Doctrine” denied that Bishop Athanasius’s “interference” in the dioceses of the heretical Arian bishops was schism:

“If interference is a sin, division which is the cause of it is a greater; but where division is a duty, there can be no sin interference.”
(, “An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine,” Sixth Edition)

Was Doctor of the Church St. Athanasius a schismatic?

Moreover, serious scholars are claiming Francis is a material heretic. The 19 Scholar’s Open Letter say that Francis is a material heretic which also brings into play the Bellarmine and Francis de Sales option of declaring an explicit heretical pope self-deposed.

Bishop Rene Gracida’s Open Letter to the Cardinals analysing and quoting Pope John Paul II’s Universi Dominici gregis questions the validity of the Francis conclave calling for an cardinal investigation into the validity of the Francis conclave.

Latin language expert Br. Alexis Bugnolo’s in-depth thesis “Munus and Ministerium: A Textual Study of their Usage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983” using exhaustive quotations from canon law showing why canon law explicitly states that ministerium and munus cannot be synonyms that mean the exact same thing or nearly the same thing thus denying the validity of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation.

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About abyssum

I am a retired Roman Catholic Bishop, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas
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